The weather is simply way too nice; the overwhelming appeal of patios and campfires means JS 2007 is temporarily adjourned.

The summer is at long last upon us and the urge to write has diminished significantly with its arrival.
Yet as always, there remains much to write about and much like Jack Black in 2002’s Orange County ( in the scene when he and Colin Hanks are speeding down some Californian highway toward Stanford in Hank’s last-gasp attempt to get in), “I’ve got all these ideas, man!”
The ebb and flow of 'news' continues to lurch forward regardless of our leisurely summertime distractions:
There will be many developments and events to occupy one's meandering thoughts over the next few months which will surely stoke the fire for future postings.
For now, I'm headed for the backyard with a book (The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins) and a cold drink. For the next couple of months at least, I'm hopeful that page time will win out over screen time.
I'm back at Humber in the fall, and am tremendously excited to be taking over the op-ed desk at the Et Cetera -- you will doubtlessly be able to find a link from here to the online page once we get our feet under ourselves in the newsroom.
See you then.
The ebb and flow of 'news' continues to lurch forward regardless of our leisurely summertime distractions:
There will be many developments and events to occupy one's meandering thoughts over the next few months which will surely stoke the fire for future postings.
For now, I'm headed for the backyard with a book (The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins) and a cold drink. For the next couple of months at least, I'm hopeful that page time will win out over screen time.
I'm back at Humber in the fall, and am tremendously excited to be taking over the op-ed desk at the Et Cetera -- you will doubtlessly be able to find a link from here to the online page once we get our feet under ourselves in the newsroom.
See you then.
Oh uh, PS, I encourage you, dear reader, to immediately order a subscription to the National Post.
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