Few know or perhaps care to know the commercial history of electricity in the 1880s.
Back then, the telegraph was about the only use for the new commodity. Then came the light bulb.
The seduction of light on demand stirred the imagination. Demand for electricity soared. But there was a problem. “The system wasn’t going to grow much unless you could find a way to bill people for it,” Donald Dewees, an economics professor at the University of Toronto, says.
Quite simply, companies like General Electric and Westinghouse needed sufficient profit to expand the grid.
“I suppose every house one hooked up could be charged a flat monthly rate but that’s going to encourage people to waste electricity or only the rich would get it,” Prof. Dewees says.
As might be expected, meters soon followed. Those who consumed more power paid for it, and at first quite a bit more.
The example parallels the polarizing — and now politicized — issue of so-called “usage-based billing (UBB)” of the Internet. UBB is a set of practices Canada’s largest service providers like BCE Inc., Rogers Communications Inc. and Shaw Communications Inc. have implemented allowing them to meter usage and charge for it.
Their defence is that online traffic is growing at such a clip that tiered systems are now required both to better match finite supply with demand, as well as generate the necessary profits to expand capacity, or grow the grid. Bell, for one, anticipates volume growth on its network of 25% this year over last, it says.
There is a growing herd, however, that is deeply dissatisfied with the explanation, charging that it is thinly veiled profiteering. A maelstrom of populist rage has flared up in recent weeks after regulators at the CRTC permitted Bell and others to begin imposing metering on their wholesale customers, the last corner of the market where the unlimited Internet could be found.
The Jan. 25 decision was the last step ensuring every Internet provider conforms to the capped metering model.
Perhaps sensing a ripe political opportunity, the Harper Conservatives outflanked opposition parties this week, publicly chastising the regulator and demanding further review of the decision, which looks primed for an early death.
But what is truth and what is fiction in this overheated debate? Are consumers being gouged or is this a uncomfortable but necessary transition? It appears the answer is both.
The economist in Prof. Dewees likes the idea of usage-based billing. So does the Internet user within the tenured professor. He does not download libraries of music from iTunes or stream hours of TV episodes from Netflix though he does “a little bit of YouTube.”
Usage patterns, however, are rapidly putting the professor in the minority. As online video viewing — which chews up several times more bandwidth than simple browsing does — explodes, more and more consumers are hitting or blowing past initial monthly “caps”.
Retail customers are not the only ones to hit the wall, or face stiff (but oddly varying) “overage” charges of between $1 and $5 for every gigabyte consumed after their initial monthly allotment is exhausted. Small business interests too are claiming the model threatens to suffocate their ability to innovate online, their imaginative efforts turned away by the price of admission to the Internet in Canada.
Wholesale providers like TekSavvy Solutions Inc. say those fees are pure profit for Bell, Rogers and the other large network owners. “Is the markup heavy? Yes,” Rocky Gaudrault, the resale carrier’s CEO says. “How much, I’m not sure but consider Bell’s UBB is near one-hundred percent pure profit [and] Rogers may not be far behind.”
Mirko Bibic, Bell’s head of regulatory affairs vehemently argues against this, saying Bell has put in place a pricing system that balances consumer needs with those of the company’s objectives to continue investing. All customers for example can pay $5 more a month for a 40GB cushion, or enough for 40 hours of high-def online video viewing.
“The folks that are criticizing the rate at which an [overage] gigabyte is priced are completely ignoring that fact,” he says. “They blindly ignore that because they want to make a story about the per-gig price.”
Similar to other major telecoms, Bell introduced tiered pricing plans with bandwidth caps in December 2006, more than four years ago. It is recent and fast-moving shifts in consumer habits at the source of the unrest, which has seen hundreds of thousand of Canadians rally to petitions and an emboldened few directly — and successfully — petitioning the federal government.
Mr. Bibic says the angst is directly tied to certain customers finally experiencing the limitations of plans that a short time ago were considered inexhaustible.
“It’s network congestion and the need to properly manage traffic,” he says in defence of Bell’s practices. “We needed to tackle the issue through pricing.”
There is pointed skepticism about Bell’s claims of congestion however. “We run our own network for a number of our customers and we don’t see the problems Bell is claiming exist,” says Clayton Zukelman, the head of Managed Network Systems Inc. (MNSi), a small wholesale provider in Essex County, Ont. about 30 minutes east of Windsor.
MNSi “co-locates” with Bell’s network at certain points then runs its own lines to customers. The technologies are comparable, but MNSi has installed new gear in recent months, Bell meanwhile has been chiefly focused on select portions of the network — its new IP-based television sub-system for example, with large swaths elsewhere a secondary consideration, he says.
“Their response to network traffic growing is to charge more as opposed to upgrading,” he says.
Bell, which earmarked the better part of a $2.55-billion capital budget for its wireline business last fiscal year, denies this.
But what about the overage fees-as-pure profit argument? Critics, which includes U.S. online movie-streaming juggernaut Netflix Inc., say it costs less than a penny to transport a GB. If true, blasting overage charges as blatant profiteering seems appropriate, even warranted.
“We can haggle over the price. Should it be two bucks a gigabyte or ten cents?” Mark Goldberg, an independent telecom analyst based in Toronto that has come out in support of UBB says.
But in principle, Mr. Goldberg, who organizes the Canadian Telecom Summit, an annual conference of the country’s industry establishment, is “hard-pressed to see how there is any other fair way” to match prices with supply other than usage-based billing.
Asked if overage fees are near-complete profit margin, Mr. Goldberg says: “I haven’t looked at the costing information — I don’t know how anybody on the outside could know what their costs are.”
No one outside of the companies does. No one but the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), the body that formally gave the current regime a green light in 2009.
The data presented to the commission during successive hearings is competitive and therefore not public. But it is difficult to envision the CRTC, which has shown a zeal for defying corporate interests and even those of Ottawa, accepting a plan designed solely to drive exorbitant profits at Bell, Rogers and the other network owners. A convincing reason, or many, must have been put forth.
Peter Rhamey, analyst at BMO Capital Markets says people must remember that Bell is also a legacy telephone provider. Those revenues and profits continue to fall quarter after quarter, year after year as competing products like Skype and cable digital home-phone take share or consumers elect to go entirely wireless. Internet profits are required to “reinvent the network” for future-proofed broadband services, he says.
“If you look at their core wireline business, revenue is under pressure,” he said, noting Bell lost more than 92,000 phone accounts last quarter alone.
But is it possible the regulator was fleeced — a victim of slick numbers manipulation? If so, count the CRTC’s U.S. equivalent, the Federal Communications Commission as also being duped.
In December, the FCC chairman Julius Genachowski endorsed the usage-based pricing concept as a way to help providers manage their networks as part of the regulator’s over-arching net neutrality decision.
The endorsement flew over the populace’s radar screen however because metered billing has been rebuffed by organized consumers at every pass — for all intents and purposes, it doesn’t exist in the United States.
Since late 2008, companies like AT&T Inc. and Time Warner Cable have swept into cities like Reno, Nev., and Beaumont, Tex., with new capped plans and their corollary overage fees only to backpedal out of town.
“People get upset then they end up shutting them down,” Sean Buckley, editor of FierceTelecom, a widely followed industry newsletter, says.
“People want to do what they want to do with their broadband connection. They don’t want to be told, ‘Oh you can only use this much.’ I think that’s why you’ve seen such a backlash here whenever anybody has tried it.”
Unlimited plans pervade the U.S. marketplace. Despite this, AT&T, Time Warner Cable and Verizon Communications, which has aggressively pushed costly fibre out across their footprint in recent years, all operate profitable broadband businesses.
Nor does it appear congestion is a problem.
“At Verizon, we don’t have bandwidth usage caps,” Kevin Laverty, a spokesman for the U.S. telecom giant says. The company is not experiencing capacity issues, “therefore, usage caps aren’t required at this time.”
“From what I’ve seen, bandwidth constraints are an excuse” to raise prices, Mr. Buckley says.
Bruce Mehlman, co-chairman and founder of Washington D.C.-based Internet Innovation Alliance, a non-profit agency, takes a more centrist opinion: “There are two truths we know. Consumers prefer all-you-can-eat plans, and the exponential explosion of content is crashing into the finite bandwidth of networks,” he says.
Armed with FCC approval, it “seems predictable” that U.S. carriers will follow Canadian operators and introduce permanent tiered pricing at some point, he says.
“My parents don’t need a lot of bandwidth and would love to pay less. My kids want as much bandwidth as they can get and spend dad’s money on it. You will see tiers and options [emerge] that best match supply with demand,” he predicts.
Back in Toronto, Prof. Dewees nods in approval. “The notion that people consume something in different quantities and those that consume more should pay more strikes me as the same as everything else we do. You own a bigger house you pay more tax. You use more electricity, you pay more,” he says.
However, with a growing number of Canadians finding themselves on the wrong side of their caps these days, it is perhaps time to adjust the bandwidth meter upward.
Financial Post
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