Monday, October 23, 2006

Mission Statement: "Nobody can be so amusingly arrogant as a young man who has just discovered an old idea and thinks it is his own."

Thanksgiving 2006

My goal is to become a paid member of the media at some point in the (very) near future.

My credentials? I hold an honours degree in history from Queen's University, and currently I attend Humber college's post-graduate journalism program here in Toronto, Ontario. And if you've read the previous post ("Adapt or perish, right?"), you'll know about my brief tenure with the Toronto Star.

I could go on about my zeal for worldly affairs, on how 'newsy' I am, or how I possess a "piercing sense of criticism that cuts to the bone of anything its runs over," but I will spare you the hyperbole.

Yeah, I firmly believe I have the tools to work in the fourth estate, but so do a lot of other people. Any good liberal humanities education inherently instills this, no?

So, what to do to get some attention, to separate oneself from thy competitors?

Answer: Start a blog.

Well, it may not be revolutionary, or even ahead of the pack (say, somewhere in the middle) but I look forward to publishing things on this site, and if it captivates - okay, merely interests - a potential employer for long enough to garner an interview or a chance at one, it's done its job.

Talk to you soon,

"I am certainly not one of those who need to be prodded. In fact, if anything, I am a prod." - Winston S. Churchill

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